Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Sweet Chemistry -- Am I priced out of my leauge???

Ok, here's the deal.  I'm trying to start up my own specialty cake business.  I'm calling it "Sweet Chemistry", because I'm a chemical engineer and I'm making sweets.  Cute right?  Until I get another website up and running you can check out my cakes at: http://www.ruffapparel.com/id72.html

So yesterday I received an inquiry for a 50th wedding anniversary cake that is actually doubling as the couple's REAL and ONLY wedding cake.  This woman had a local artist make a custom made gold lovebird cake topper, ordered special ribbon from France, and it's at a fancy restaurant in Manhattan.  Does this set the tone for you? 

I sent her my cake pictures; she loved them and asked me what my quote would be for a two-tiered mocha cake with vanilla buttercream on the bottom and vanilla cake with dolce de leche filling on the top -- all covered in a shimmery ivory fondant. All the intricate scroll work needs to be in gold filigree.  Here is a picture she wants me to model the cake after.

Sooooooooo end of the day I give her a quote of $175, plus delivery fee (if applicable).  I know it sounds high, but this is for a very specialized wedding cake!!  When you think about it in those terms, who gets a friggin intricate gold scrolled wedding cake for under $200??  And all said and done I'm only walking away with $100 for a full 8 hours worth of work...  (Btw, she needs the cake less then 2 weeks away.)

Part of me wanted to only charge her $100 for the exposure, and the chance to make a whopping $40, but I can't keep doing this for people!

Please tell me your honest opinions about this!!!

Your Frusturated Baker


  1. First, super cute name for your new business! Second, I think that is totally reasonable price, ESPECIALLY given the level of detail that cake is going to require. If this is going to be a new venture for you, you have to make enough money to make it worth your while and pay for supplies... otherwise, it can start to become more like a chore and not fun anymore.

    I had a similar experience when I started making tutus; too many ppl started expecting me to make them tutus for super cheap. It got to the point where I hated making tutus... how sad does that sound? tutus are supposed to be fun!

    Anyway, that's my 2 cents. Best of luck in your new business!

    Jill (Gliem) Pukszyn

  2. Jill, Thanks for the feedback!! You are right. For most of my jobs, I end up charging way too little (just because I want the experience) and it really does start turning into more of a chore!! Btw, I LOVE your tutus!! Sooo cute!!!

  3. I forgot to mention in my post, but the lady did NOT go with my services because of the cost. She said she would just go to her local bakery. Good luck, lady.

  4. Holy crap! Why are people so dumb? Your cakes are not only beautiful with a level of detail that a "local bakery" will never be able to match, but they are DELICIOUS too! All she is going to get is a nasty vanilla cake with gross whip cream on it from a bakery. Oh, and she'll probably pay $200 for it.
    A bit of advice from my dad who has his own business for almost 40 years - If people seem like more of a hassle than they are worth, it is for the best to let them walk away. I thought he was nuts to turn away business, but as usual, his experience won out.
    You will get good customers and they will spread good things about you and you will get more customers. The bad customers will never be satisfied, will always say its to expensive (and more times than not, stiff you or bounce a check) and bad mouth your business around town.
    I am working on the logo stuff, I was away this weekend, and then had a bunch of school work. Tomorrow the accruals are due, so by Thursday I will send you something.
    Good luck with everything! You will be a great success!

  5. Thanks Christina! Being a customer, you would know more than anyone! Btw, thanks for trusting me with your business! :-) It was really fun making your ladybugs and daisies...so much for fun then some gaudy wedding cake.

    I think your dad is right...PS, Matt, if you are reading this, I guess that means that you were sorta right, too. Grrr. Anyway, I'm always trying to bend over backwards for people to get the sale and make it perfect, but these kinds of people seem to never be happy. I think that's why Matt told me to make that price high. This lady lives in Greenwich and would have been a pain in my rump. To be honest, though, we were banking that she would be desperate and would go with anything considering she needed it for the night before Valentine's Day.

    I think I may make a Valentine's Day for the heck of it to practice scroll work (considering I've never done it--I never turn down a challenge!) I'll have Matt bring it to work to show his great love for 74th Street. LOL

    Thanks soooooo much for working on the logo!!!!! I feel bad that I'm taking up your time. I know you are really busy! And, please, bill me!! I checked around and logo work is expensive and highly specialized. I have my service business and you have yours!
