Sunday, February 6, 2011

Super Bowl

This Super Bowl went as predicted.  We ate junk food, half watched the game, and lost interest about 4 minutes in.  I will admit that this game was better than most, since it wasn't the usual one team staring at their shoes as the other team scores about 15 touchdowns.  

Now let's move on to the half-time show.  I love the fact that The Black Eyed Peas can stay popular and can actually get a Super Bowl gig based on a hackneyed (yet admittedly catchy) song “I got a feeling” that came out in 2009.  It's 2011, people!  Oh wait, that’s because there is no good music out there.  Unless of course you count Willow Smith’s “Whip my Hair”.  Clearly a Grammy winner there.  PS  The Black Eyed Peas sucked.   The Usher jump and split maneuver was interesting, at least.

So let us now talk about the upcoming movies:
Thor, Cowboys vs Aliens (Dainel Craig and Harrison Ford), Transformers 3, Fast Five….really??  I mean, do I really need to elaborate?  Super 8, Captian America—maybe.  And sooooo tired of Pirates of the Caribbean movies.  Ugg.
Commercials kinda stunk, but I will say they were better than last year.  (Not that, that’s saying much)  I mean, there were some funny ones, but  whatever happened to Terry Tate: Office Linebacker??!!?  

Kristy's Commercial Commentary (funny vs retarded):
  • Passat commercial with little kid Darth Vadar: kinda funny
  • Doritos commercial about bringng things back to life (aka: grandpa): funny
  • Bud Light product placement: Funny
  • Aliens, Mayans (or whatever), and such keep stealing the "new" Kia Spectra: retarded - As far as I'm concerned, they can keep it.
  • Why is Derek Jeter sponsoring Ford and why is it New York?  I don’t get it.  Aren’t’ we watching a football game…in Texas? -- retarded
  • Pepsi Max ad where lady throws a can at her husband and hits the hot runner girl instead: funny
  • All Coke commercials: retarded -- They should fire their staff
  • Snickers Rosanne being hit by log: hilarious b/c it’s Rosanne
  • Here's a winner: Chevy Cruze with their new facebook status update feature- I should just trade in my Beetle, right now, so I can hear a robot tell me some random high school person’s horoscope.  -retarded
One of the best quotes (Best Buy ad) "What's a Bieber?  I don't know, it kinda looks like a girl."

Considering I don’t care about either team, and everything else was subpar, this game was a waste of time…expect for the fact that I got to eat a whole slew of amazing junk food.  My kids felt the same way.  Apparently Rory wanted the TV off so badly that he was hoping for a flood.

But if you got nothing else out of the Super bowl experience than this: “Remember whatever you do in bed, Sealy supports it.”

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