Wednesday, February 9, 2011

So I got rejected on another cake offer again.  I'm feeling defeated here.  What people don't realize is that I spend about 1/2 - 1 hour preparing for the quotes I give.  So, I do all this research and then get excited about the project, therefore setting myself up for dissapointment.  Then I wait a couple of days until I get an email back (if they are polite) to tell me they are going with another baker.  Do they contact me just to see that they are getting a fair shake from their own baker?  They lady didn't give me her budget  or even give me the chance to see if I had any wiggle room on price, which sounds a bit fishy to me.

Here's a picture of the cake.  First off, I am absolutely IN LOVE with this cake!  This cake was featured in an international cake magazine as the top 10 rated cakes.  AND I know I can recreate it, edible gum paste flowers and all! I gave her a a price of $3.50 a slice.  I CHALLENGE anyone to get a better price for this wedding cake, let alone an international top 10 rated cake.   Click here to view the all the pics from the magazine  (To be honest, I would have gone way lower on the price -- even though I shouldn't--just so that I had an excuse to do it!)

Does anyone know someone who would love this cake and would trust me to make it?  I promise it would turn out amazing!!!!!  Tell your friends.

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