Friday, February 18, 2011

What Voodoo Can I Do?

Well, it's been a week now, and everyone is just starting to feel better.  To be honest, though, I wasn't surprised that we got sick.  For you see, I think I must be cursed.  Every time there is a holiday, I seem to get sick.  Here are some examples: Christmas - stomach bug which lasted 1 week.  Our anniversary/New Years Eve Matt got sick.  For my birthday, I became extremely ill on the last two days of my Aruba vacation.  And now we are just getting over this awful stomach virus over Valentine's Day.  I'm getting nervous, because this is President's Day Weekend.  What's next?  A broken bone?  I hope I didn't just jinx myself!

But looking back, for the past 6 birthdays, I've been either in the hospital, hospitalized, or extremely sick.  Why?  That is the question of the day.  Everyone is probably ready to give me the "This is what happens when you have kids." answer, but this began way before my boys, Matt, or Noodles were around.  I'm not into all this mumbo jumbo voodoo stuff, but I'm open to options.  Anyone have some crazy method of getting rid of this "curse".  Matt thinks he should start looking for a bubble that I can live in like Bubble Boy on Seinfeld.  I'm not entirely opposed to it.

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