Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Ideas Needed for the Spring and Summer!!

I finally got another cake gig!  (And a repeat customer to boot! - That should say something to all those dumb people from the past month or two!)  Anyway, it's going to be a small cake with an American flag draped over it.  It should be pretty cool looking!  I'll post some picture after I make it.

Don't forget to buy a St. Patty's Day Collar!

Anyway, let's switch subjects to the actual REAL reason I started this blog: Ruff Apparel.  I think I've been in denial that I have to start sewing again.  After the fall/holiday season, I get a little partied out when it comes to sewing and doggie stuff.  I think I even look at Noodles with a bit of contempt.  I just looked at the calendar and I have less than a month and a half before I have two back-to-back spring shows.  And so it begins...

Unfortunately, it's a lot harder to make sales in the spring/summer.  No one needs a warm winter jacket, a cute winter collar, or a Christmas present for that crazy cat lady in their lives.  I'm looking for new ideas.  I have finally decided to admit that I may need a bit of guidance.

Please, please, please give me your ideas of what you think! 

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