Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Secret Society of the VW Beetle...

It's been awhile since I've blogged....I've been busy helping out my Aunt with her coffee shop among other things while she deals with the pain of a possibly fractured clavical and torn shoulder.  Let me tell you, running a coffee shop and doing catering and cake jobs at the same time is no easy feat.  I give her tons of credit!  I was completely fried after one day.  Although I will say delivering catering, even though I had no idea what I was doing, was a real payoff!  I got a $10 tip for driving 10 mins and putting out a lunch spread.  Not a bad gig.  Don't worry, friends and family, I will not be starting a catering business as well.  I can't forget the mayhem of cranking out all of those sandwiches and accoutrements in the wee hours of the morning.  Wait...maybe I WILL offer lunch catering with my cake orders...LOL.

Punch Buggy Cream!!!
The coffee shop (and my Aunt) are 3 hours away, so of course Helmut (my Beetle) and I had a lot of interstate driving to do.  As I was driving, I suddenly realized that I was singularly responsible for possibly 100's of "dead arms" in the passing cars.  You know, "Punch Buggy, Cream!!!"  **Punch**.   And if that's not yet another reason to be jealous of my car, apparently Beetles and truckers must be in a secret society of honking that I was inducted into.  As I drove past a couple of 18 wheelers, I recieved the "honk, honk-honk-honk-honk"  and I guess I am supposed to finish it with a big "honk, honk".  Awesome.
One last thing that came to my mind while I was out and about is the topic of the Smart Car.  Can I get an "Amen" to the fact that they are ridiculous looking death traps.  If you look at the crash ratings, they were rated one of the WORST.  My car looks like a limousine compared to them. Strap a desperate biker to the front of it and it looks like one of those NYC rickshaws.  I hated them with my first experience of the "Smart Car" in Italy, and I hate them even more now.  They really should call them the the "Stupid Car", but that's just me. 

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