Thursday, January 27, 2011

Um...This is getting ridiculous!


Well, another 16" in NYC, and there is a vicious rumor that we got more like 20" of snow here in Danbury!  I guess we're housebound again.  My whole plan was go shovel my way out of this mess and go visit my favorite haunts (Michael’s and Joann), but my lovely husband, Matt, won't let me.  Grrr.  I have what they call "crafters thumb/wrist"  which sounds like a ridiculous excuse to get out of work, but it just makes me angry.  I would try and force my way out of the 20" in the driveway, except Helmut (my VW Beetle convertible) is about 3 inches off the ground.  But, hey, if it worked, I could make some extra money plowing the neighbor's driveways!  LOL.

Helmut after Matt dug him out at 3am!

Then there is my crazy neighbor...He has been up since 3am, painstakingly shoveling and re-shoveling his driveway about every 20 minutes "to stay on top of it".  He's the same one that mows his yard 4 times to make sure he gets "every blade of grass" -- again, another direct quote.
I'd throw the kids outside and start coming up with my spring line of doggie coats, collars, and pet beds, but their little legs can't get through the snow!  They just kinda fall over like cows being tipped, and then just lay there.  Besides, Cooper, my 18 month old, looks like Ralphie from A Christmas Story.  It's kinda hilarious, though.

Well, once again I bid you adieu, with visions of tropical islands and beautiful palm trees swaying in the breeze!

1 comment:

  1. Cuties baby in the world, of course, just like his mommy!
