Saturday, January 29, 2011

Cans of Beans, Power parking, and Grrrrrrr

I told myself I wasn't going to blog all the time...especially about the snow, but the retardedness of the people in the New York Metro Area needs to be addressed.  (Present followers excluded, of course!)  At the site of one snowflake, there is a mad "slowness" to the local Supermarket.  I would use the correct term of "mad rush", but apparently it must be state mandated that you have to drive 5 miles an hour in your all wheel drive vehicles.  Anyway, back to the supermarket.  I have literally seen lines from the checkouts all the way to the back of the store.  Of course all carts are filled to the top with bottled water, cheese in a can, crackers, cans of know, the essentials of Armageddon.  Reallly, people???  I wish i had my camera to show you all this phenomenon.

Then today.  Two days after the last snow.  There is virtually no parking because of all the power parking being done across two spots.  I guess they don't want their doors hitting a little bit of soft frozen water?  Again, I really wish I had my camera. You know, people mocked me for getting a Beetle, but this thing goes places where no one (in CT, at least) has gone a parking spot half covered in snow.  It's actually quite awesome because I keep getting front row spots.  They should think of calling the Beetle an ATV.

I really don't know what else to add other than...Grrrrrrrr!  I'm sure there will have to be another blog where I rant about how rude these people are around here.  But that's for another time and another mindset.

Does anyone else have these problems or other ones?  I know we have some NC and FL people representing.  I hope not, though!  I have high hopes that there are places where the parking is plentiful and the speed limit is followed....

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Um...This is getting ridiculous!


Well, another 16" in NYC, and there is a vicious rumor that we got more like 20" of snow here in Danbury!  I guess we're housebound again.  My whole plan was go shovel my way out of this mess and go visit my favorite haunts (Michael’s and Joann), but my lovely husband, Matt, won't let me.  Grrr.  I have what they call "crafters thumb/wrist"  which sounds like a ridiculous excuse to get out of work, but it just makes me angry.  I would try and force my way out of the 20" in the driveway, except Helmut (my VW Beetle convertible) is about 3 inches off the ground.  But, hey, if it worked, I could make some extra money plowing the neighbor's driveways!  LOL.

Helmut after Matt dug him out at 3am!

Then there is my crazy neighbor...He has been up since 3am, painstakingly shoveling and re-shoveling his driveway about every 20 minutes "to stay on top of it".  He's the same one that mows his yard 4 times to make sure he gets "every blade of grass" -- again, another direct quote.
I'd throw the kids outside and start coming up with my spring line of doggie coats, collars, and pet beds, but their little legs can't get through the snow!  They just kinda fall over like cows being tipped, and then just lay there.  Besides, Cooper, my 18 month old, looks like Ralphie from A Christmas Story.  It's kinda hilarious, though.

Well, once again I bid you adieu, with visions of tropical islands and beautiful palm trees swaying in the breeze!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Snow, Snow, and More Snow!!

Well, I woke up this morning to even more snow.  Once again the weather man was WRONG!  We are getting so much snow in Connecticut, that we are all getting cabin fever.  I don't know about you, but we are about one snowstorm away from turning into Jack Nicholson in the Shinning.  (Btw, if you haven't seen that movie--you HAVE to!) 

My dog, Noodles, is no exception!  He's wearing his silly sweater I knited him, and he still won't go outside until I put on one of my jackets, too.  I've been up early shoveling a
 path in our yard just so he can make a beeline out to quickly do his business.  It's a shame I don't know how to work with leather (yet, lol), because he acts as if he needs some boots, too.  Of course, Noodles doesn't actually realize that he's a dog.  He thinks he's king of the household, and we are his servants.

Well, it's time to clean a path for my mailman.  Gotta make sure I get my Netflix DVD! 

 Happy Shoveling!